June 14, 2023
Santa Fe Trail USD 434 Board of Education
Regular Meeting
June 14, 2023 at 6 pm
Santa Fe Trail District Administrative Center
104 S Burlingame Ave
Scranton, Kansas
1.0 Call to Order - President Tanner Black
2.0 Ordering and Approval of the Agenda
3.0 Board of Education Communication
3.1 ELA Curriculum Presentation
4.0 Consent Agenda
4.1 Approve Minutes of May 10, 2023
4.2 Approve Treasurer’s Report
4.3 Approve School Activity Fund Reports
Carbondale Cash Balance April 2023 May 2023 | Overbrook Attendance Center Current Cash Balance | Santa Fe Trail High School Current Cash Balance |
Carbondale Reconciliation April 2023 May 2023 | Overbrook Attendance Center Reconciliation | Santa Fe Trail High School Reconciliation |
4.4 Approve Payment of Bills
4.5 Employment of Personnel
4.6 Resignation/Retirement of Personnel
4.7 Approve Closeout of Budget Year
4.8 Approval of Classified Assignments for 23/24
4.9 Approval of Activity Fundraisers
4.10 Accept Donation to Jr. High Cheer
5.0 Administrators
CAC - Ms. Testa, Mr. Hershberger
OAC - Mrs. Bolt
SAC - Mrs. Flory
SFTHS - Mr. Graham, Mr. Erickson
Curriculum - Mrs. Mugridge
District - Mr. Lentz, Mrs. Flory
6.0 Items from the Past for Reconsideration
6.2 Capital Outlay Update
7.0 New Items for Discussion and Consideration
7.1 District Assessment Data Update
7.2 Approval of Overbrook Student Handbook for 23/24
7.3 Approval of Carbondale Attendance Center Athletic Handbook & Coaches Handbook for 23/24
7.4 Approval of High School Student Handbook & Athletic Handbook for 23/24
7.5 Approval of High School Supplementals 23/24
7.6 Approval of Jr. High School Supplementals 23/24
7.7 Approval of Overbrook Supplementals 23/24
7.8 Approval of Scranton PK Handbook 23/24
8.0 Items Added to the Agenda
9.1 Personnel
9.2 Negotiations
10.0 Superintendent’s Report
10.1 Three Lakes Education Cooperative Report
10.2 Announcements
11.0 Adjournment - President Tanner Black