How do I enroll in Washburn Tech?
I want to enroll in a program at Washburn Tech. What do I need to do?
1. Select a program. Go to: and select the at career programs tab. Look over the career programs that interest you.
2. Go to and fill out an application.
3. Talk to a recruiter by calling 785.228.6315 or send an email to Set up a visit if you want more information at, Use the yellow set up a visit button and send an email.
4. Take and pass the ACT Workkeys (or submit qualifying scores from ACT, Asset, PSAT, SAT, Compass, CASAS, or TABE). Go for the testing schedule. Call the recruiter to register for the test.
5. Register online between January 22 at 6 p.m. through February 18 at noon. (Registration is based on first-come, first-serve for students who have an online application and qualifying scores. If accepted from online registration, students will receive an invitation to attend National Technical Letter of Intent Signing Day on Thursday, February 19, 2015.)
6. Attend February 19 and bring enrollment fee. Enrollment fee is $20 for students who will be in high school for the 2015-2016 school year or $50 for students who will graduate May 2015. Invitations will provide details. This event will be held in the Washburn Tech Conference Center.