June 8, 2022
Santa Fe Trail USD 434 Board of Education
The mission of Santa Fe Trail USD 434 is to support individual student needs in preparation for successful life work.
Regular Meeting
June 8, 2022 at 6 pm
Santa Fe Trail District Administrative Center
104 S Burlingame Ave
Scranton, KS
1.0 Call to Order - President Tanner Black
2.0 Ordering and Approval of the Agenda
3.0 Consent Agenda
3.1 Approve Minutes of May 11 and June 6, 2022
3.2 Approve Treasurer’s Report
3.3 Approve School Activity Fund Reports
3.4 Approve Payment of Bills
3.5 Resignation/Retirement/Termination of Personnel
Courtwright retirement | Jim Duncan JH football resignation | Jess Lewis JH football asst resignation | Rhodes resignation |
3.6 Employment of Personnel
3.7 Approve District Fees for 22/23
3.8 Out-of-District Enrollment 22/23
4.0 Administrators - Not Scheduled
SFT-Mr. Graham, Mr. Erickson
CAC-Ms. Testa, Ms. Jarrett
OAC-Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Bolt
SAC/Curriculum - Mrs. Flory
District - Mr. Lentz
5.0 Items from the Past for Reconsideration
5.2 Personnel Update
5.3 Enrollment Update
5.4 HVAC Preventative Maintenance Contract
6.0 New Items for Discussion and Consideration
6.1 Approval of Overbrook Student Handbook for 22/23
6.2 Approval of Carbondale Student Handbook and Athletic Handbook for 22/23
6.3 Approval of High School Student Handbook and HS Athletic Handbook for 22/23
6.4 District Crisis Plan Approval
6.5 Supplemental Contracts for 22/23
7.0 Items Added to the Agenda
8.0 Executive Session (if needed)
8.1 Personnel
9.0 Superintendent’s Report
9.1 Three Lakes Education Cooperative Report
9.2 Announcements
9.3 Mileage/overtime Report
10.0 Adjournment - President Tanner Black